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Booking Information
As a retired NYPD Detective with nearly 22 years of experience as a Patrolman/Undercover, Community Policing Officer, Certified Police Academy Instructor, City-Wide Community Affairs Liaison, and Crime Prevention Specialist, Tom Verni has a wide breadth of public speaking experience and extensive knowledge in various aspects of police training and community relations. He is now able to pass along this knowledge to law enforcement or other organizations seeking to enhance the skill sets of their personnel via training seminars. With numerous media appearances on local, national, and international TV and radio news media, Tom is also available for consulting services regarding crime or police related incidents.
Public Relations:
Community Relations:
Media Consulting:
Crime Prevention:
years policing with the NYPD
years public speaking
years as a certified police instructor
years in community relations
Training and Development Programs
LGBT Cultural Diversity
The goal is to provide the student/law enforcement/security officer with a basic understanding of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community in regards to gender identity, sexual orientation, stereotypes, and related terms and definitions. The training further explains the unique issues of LGBT youth and provides local referrals to use in the event they encounter a situation involving a LGBT youth needing assistance. Other topics include a look at bullying, domestic violence, and bias related (hate crimes) as it pertains to the LGBT community. The trainings, while similar in nature, are modified depending on the audience (youth version/high school level or an adult/professional environment/academy level).
Improving Police-Community Relations
This session is geared for either citizens or law enforcement on how to identify issues which strain relations between the police and the local community and investigate various alternatives and strategies on repairing or rebuilding trust and a positive and productive relationship between the police and the community. The goal is to achieve a collaborative effort in crime reduction, victim services, and positive youth growth within the community. This training is enhanced with an understanding of the community culture and the police subculture.
Police Encounters
This presentation is primarily geared for younger citizens but can also be adapted for adults with the goal on the student understanding what their rights are and their personal responsibilities are when interacting with the police. Main points of discussion focus on a brief background of policing methods, when and why an officer may stop and question (and possibly frisk) someone, and best practices on de-escalation of a confrontation with police including filming police officers/incidents.
Counter-Terrorism Awareness for Citizens
This presentation is for community members and discusses how policing has changed, the “goals” of terrorism, an exploration of the “faces” of terrorism (both domestic and foreign influenced), how to identify terrorist behavior as well as recording and reporting that behavior. There is also an added section on personal preparedness in the event of a tragic incident whether it be terrorist related or by other means (weather, etc.).
Crime Prevention Seminars
A variety of crime prevention related seminars for citizens covers topics such as; prescription drug abuse, smartphone and electronic device safety, personal safety – including identity theft and Internet safety, community patrols/blockwatchers.

The odds of shooting him in the leg would probably be odds of shooting the last standing hair on my head."
Tom Verni
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